Mission statement and selection criteria for materials
Mikkeli Regional Library promotes equal opportunities for the region’s residents to access civilization, engagement in literature and arts, continuous development of knowledge, skills and civic preparedness as well as internationalization and lifelong learning. Library activities also promote the accessibility of library materials and services via information networks.
Selection criteria for materials
- Within the boundaries of library budget, we acquire fictive and non-fictive literature, newspapers and magazines as well as other materials in various publication formats.
- A diverse array of materials is selected to consider the viewpoints of different ideologies and philosophies.
- Where applicable, the library emphasizes and supports the city strategic priorities for development.
- The needs of different population and age groups are taken into consideration when selecting materials.
- As for the main library collections, the aim is to comprehensively cover as much as possible of the available materials. The local libraries’ collections are designed to cater for the specific needs of customers in each area.
- Whenever possible, the library supports various levels of education.
- Materials related to Southern Savo are acquired as extensively as possible.
- We also pay attention to the demand and customers’ wishes; possible donations are approved to the collections in adherence to the aforementioned criteria.